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HYPERTROPHY: Strength & Size

Writer's picture: TTG StaffTTG Staff

Updated: Jul 17, 2024


The training programs provided are what has worked with our clientele under the supervision of fitness professionals. It is not personalised and should not be a substitute for professional advice from a qualified fitness professional or medical professional who knows your situation. Before beginning any exercise program, it is recommended that you consult with a medical professional to ensure that you are in good health and able to engage in physical activity. Stop immediately and consult a medical professional if you experience discomfort or pain during the exercises. The author and publisher are not responsible for any injuries, losses, or damages that may result from using this training program. Utilising this training program, you assume all risks and responsibilities associated with such use. Individual results may vary based on various factors, including but not limited to age, sex, fitness level, and adherence to the program. The author and publisher make no guarantees of results or success. By using these training programs, you acknowledge that you have read this disclaimer and agree to the terms and conditions set forth herein.

Welcome Message

Welcome to our Strength & Size Programs! We are thrilled that you have decided to embark on our program and take the first step towards achieving your fitness goals. This post will provide a comprehensive training guide and access to the program on our training app to help you meet your goals. Our programs suit individuals of all fitness levels, from beginners to advanced athletes. The workouts in this program are carefully designed to balance challenging and effective exercises. You will be encouraged to push yourself to your limits and see what you can achieve. We want to make sure that you are not alone in this journey. Our team is committed to supporting and motivating you throughout the program. We are always available to answer your questions, guide you and offer advice through the app, so we encourage you to use that.

Finally, we want to remind you that consistency and dedication are the keys to success in any program. You'll need to commit to following the program as closely as possible and stay focused on the goals. With hard work and determination, we have no doubt you will achieve the desired results. Thank you for choosing these Strength & Size Programs.

Let's get started and make some significant progress together!

Why We Created This High Frequency Program

Making the most of limited time without risking overtraining can be challenging. That's why we created these programs. They provide a structured approach for people who aren't training every day. Whether the three or four-day with an upper/lower split, they are an effective way to strike a balance between frequency and recovery, ensuring optimal muscle growth without overtaxing any specific muscle group. These programs allow for adequate training of each muscle group, stimulating growth while avoiding consecutive days of training the same muscles. By following this program, you can maximise your training efficiency, utilising your limited available time. These programs provide a clear framework that targets both the upper and lower body, ensuring a well-rounded approach to strength and muscle development.

We Don't Program A Warm-up, But You Should Complete One!

Warming up before a workout is vital for preparing your body for the physical demands of exercise, reducing the risk of injury, and improving your overall workout performance. The program displays warm-up sets on heavier movements, yet those should not be the only warm-ups you complete. It is recommended that you spend at least 5- 15 minutes warming up before your workout.

The benefits of a sufficient warm-up are numerous, including:

  • Increased blood flow: Warming up increases blood flow to your muscles, improving their oxygen and nutrient supply. This can help to improve muscle performance and reduce the risk of injury.

  • Increased body temperature: Warming up can increase your body temperature, improving the elasticity of your muscles and making them more pliable. This can help to reduce the risk of muscle strains and other injuries.

  • Improved joint mobility: Warming up can help improve joint mobility, reducing the risk of joint pain and injury. This is especially important for individuals with joint conditions or engaging in high-impact activities.

  • Mental preparation: Warming up can help prepare you mentally for your workout. It can help you to focus on your goals, improve your confidence, and get you in the right mindset to perform at your best.

  • Improved performance: A proper warm-up can improve your overall workout performance. It can help you to lift heavier weights, move quicker, or perform more reps with better form.

A good warm-up for strength training should include movements that prepare your muscles and joints for the demands of your workout.

Here's an example of a warm-up routine that you could follow before your workout:

  • Cardiovascular exercise: Start with 5-10 minutes of light cardio, such as walking/ jogging, jumping jacks, or riding a stationary bike. This will increase your heart rate and warm up your muscles.

  • Dynamic stretching: Follow your cardiovascular exercise with some dynamic stretching. This type of stretching involves moving your muscles through a full range of motion. Some examples of dynamic stretches include leg swings, arm circles, walking lunges, and high knees.

  • Muscle activation exercises: Next, perform some exercises that target the specific muscle groups you will be working on during your strength training workout. For example, if you are working your legs, you could perform bodyweight squats and lunges.

  • Light weightlifting: Finally, perform a few sets of your first exercise with a lightweight. These are specified as Warm-up sets in the exercise description and will help to activate the specific muscles you will be working on and prepare them for heavier lifting.

Remember, the goal of a warm-up is to gradually increase your heart rate, warm up your muscles, and prepare your body for the demands of your workout. It's important to avoid overexerting yourself during your warm-up, as this can lead to fatigue and decreased performance during your actual workout.

Cool Down

Stretching after strength training is an integral part of any exercise program. Here are some reasons why:

  • Increases flexibility: Strength training can often lead to muscle tightness and stiffness.

Stretching after strength training can help increase flexibility and range of motion, which

can improve overall performance and reduce the risk of injury.

  • Promotes recovery: Your muscles need time to recover after a strength training session. Stretching can help facilitate recovery by increasing blood flow and reducing soreness.

  • Reduces muscle tension: Strength training can cause muscles to become tense and tight. Stretching can help reduce muscle tension and increase relaxation, leading to a more calm and relaxed state.

  • Improves posture: Tight muscles can cause poor posture and alignment. Stretching after strength training can help improve your posture by increasing flexibility and reducing muscle tension.

  • Reduces the risk of injury: By increasing flexibility and range of motion, stretching after strength training can help reduce the risk of injury. This is particularly important for athletes and fitness enthusiasts who engage in high-intensity or high-impact activities.

It's important to note that stretching should be done safely and controlled directly after your workout. Avoid bouncing or forcing a stretch, as this can increase the risk of injury. If you have a cool-down routine that you like to do, then do that; however, we have provided a generic full-body stretching routine and recommend you hold each stretch for 30 seconds to 2 minutes.

Coach Tip: Stretch when your muscles are still warm, such as immediately after strength training, to maximise the benefits.

Program Vocabulary

Warm-up Sets:

Performing warm-up sets before working sets can offer the benefits listed above, and point four in the example of a warm-up we provided is the warm-up sets. This is commonly to prepare for heavier lifting; depending on the percent of your maximum effort, the weight will determine how many warm-up sets we have suggested. An example of how we would recommend using your two warm-up sets for 75%1RM Barbell Back Squats would be:

  • Set 1: 50%1RM - 8-15 repetitions

  • Set 2: 65%1RM - 8-10 repetitions


It is essential to read the exercise instructions in the training programs before starting for

several reasons:

  • Proper form: The correct form is crucial in weight training exercises to ensure maximum benefit and minimise the risk of injury. By reading the instructions, you can learn the proper technique for each exercise, which will help you perform the exercises safely and effectively.

  • Targeting specific muscle groups: Different exercises target different muscle groups. By reading the instructions, you can identify which muscle groups are being targeted by each exercise. This will help you focus on the areas you want to develop or improve.

  • Variation and progression: Our weight training programs include variations of the same exercise or progressions to increase the intensity or difficulty. By reading the instructions, you can understand how to perform each variation or progression correctly and safely, allowing you to continue challenging yourself and progressing over time.

  • Avoiding injury: Without proper instructions, performing exercises incorrectly and putting yourself at risk of injury is easy. By reading the instructions and understanding the correct technique, you can minimise the risk of injury and ensure a safe and effective workout.


Correct rest between working sets is vital for several reasons:

  • Muscle recovery: Rest periods between sets allow the muscles to recover and replenish energy stores, which helps to maximise muscle growth and strength gains.

  • Improved performance: Proper rest periods can enhance overall performance by allowing the individual to maintain a higher intensity throughout the workout.

  • Injury prevention: Overtraining can increase the risk of injury, and taking the proper rest periods between working sets can help prevent overtraining and reduce the risk of injury.

  • Improved focus: Rest periods can also help to improve focus and mental clarity. By taking a brief break between sets, the individual can regroup and refocus, which can help to improve performance and reduce the risk of mistakes or injury due to mental fatigue.

The appropriate rest period between working sets will vary depending on the individual, the exercise being performed, and the overall goals of the workout. However, as a general rule, taking 1-3 minutes of rest between working sets is recommended. This will allow for optimal muscle recovery and performance while minimising the risk of injury.


Tempo in a training program refers to the speed at which you perform the different phases of an exercise. Generally, you will see this done using 2X1X. The first number (2) refers to the eccentric phase or the portion of the movement where the muscle is lengthening under tension. The second and fourth digits (X) refer to the isometric phase or the part where the muscle is held in a static position; X stands for zero. The third digit (1) refers to the concentric phase or the portion of the movement where the muscle is contracting and shortening under tension. We use this method for effectiveness in our strict strength-building programs. However, you will notice a much more relaxed approach to these programs. You will find phrases like "Control the weight down" or "Hold a 2-second pause at the point with the most tension" in the exercise instructions. Over the years, our clients have better understood and followed these cues in hypertrophy programs. That is why we do that.


RPE stands for "Rate of Perceived Exertion" in an exercise program. It is a subjective measure of how hard an individual feels they are working during a workout or exercise. RPE is typically measured on a scale of 0-10, where 0 represents no exertion, and 10 means maximum exertion. Coaches can use the scale to help individuals regulate their intensity during exercise and adjust the difficulty level based on their perceived effort. For example, if an exercise program calls for an RPE of 8 out of 10 (RPE 8) for a particular exercise, the individual should aim to work at a level where they feel they are exerting themselves at about an 8 on the scale. This helps ensure that the individual works at the appropriate intensity level for their goals, whether building strength, endurance, or other fitness outcomes. Overall, RPE is a helpful tool in exercise programs as it allows individuals to better regulate their intensity and work at a level appropriate for their fitness and goals.

Rate of Perceived Exertion

Block Title

This is the writing on top of the exercise or circuit block that we structure like so:

Set Duration X Number of Times (RPE)

To make more sense of this, here are common Block Titles you will find in these programs and what they mean:

E3.5M X 4 (RPE 7-8) Complete the assigned exercise below (E) every (3.5M) three and a half minutes, for (4) four sets, at an intensity of (RPE 7-8) 7 or 8 out

of 10.

ALT. E60S X 6 (RPE 7-8) (ALT.) Alternate Sides or Exercises (E) every (60S) sixty seconds, for (6) six times, at an

intensity of (RPE 6-7) 6 or 7 out of 10.

ALT. X 9 / <20S Rest Between (RPE 7) (ALT.) Alternate Sides or Exercises, (9) 9 times,

(/ <20S Rest Between) with less than 20 seconds of Rest Between, at a (RPE 7) 7 out of 10 intensity.


Supersets are often included in exercise programs to increase the intensity and efficiency of the workout. A superset is a training technique where an individual performs two back-to-back exercises with little to no rest in between. The two exercises in a superset can target either the same or different muscle groups. There are several benefits of incorporating supersets in a workout program:

  • Increased intensity: Supersets increase the overall intensity of the workout by adding more volume and time under tension. This can help to stimulate more muscle fibres and promote more significant muscle growth and strength gains.

  • Time-efficient: Supersets can be a time-efficient way to get more done in less time. By performing two exercises in the time it would typically take to complete one, the individual can maximise their workout time and get a more efficient workout.

  • Improved cardiovascular fitness: Supersets can also help to improve cardiovascular fitness by increasing the heart rate and keeping it elevated throughout the workout.

  • Plateau-busting: By incorporating supersets into an exercise program, the individual can add a new stimulus to their muscles, which can help break through plateaus and promote further progress.

Supersets can be a beneficial training technique for individuals looking to increase the intensity and efficiency of their workouts. However, it is crucial to ensure that proper form is maintained throughout each exercise and that the individual is not sacrificing quality for intensity.

Cluster Set

An advanced overloading technique used to stimulate muscle growth and endurance by breaking sets up into parts, either with short rests or adapting tempos to challenge the muscles in new ways. The photo below shows an example of a cluster set on Day One of the 4-day (Upper/Lower) Program:

Screenshot of the first Dropset to help understanding

Weight Percentage

The programs do not have set percentages; however, progressions are controlled through wave loading. This conversion chart has proven helpful for planning weight increases for specific rep ranges. If your 1RM isn't known, you can use the chart below to calculate your estimated 1RM and input that into your training app.

Est. % 1RM Max Repetitions Reconvert

100 1 -

96 2 1.04

94 3 1.06

92 4 1.08

90 5 1.11

88 6 1.13

86 7 1.16

84 8 1.19

82 9 1.22

80 10 1.25

For example, if you lift a maximum of 5 reps with 60kg, the est. 1RM = 60 kg x 1.11 = 66.6 kg

Frequently Asked Questions


This Upper/lower program prioritises the frequency of muscle groups and structured overloading more than a typical bro split. Both splits can be effective; the difference in this program lies in the frequency with which pushing and pulling exercises are executed every session. Bro splits focus on training individual muscle groups once per week, resulting in lower frequency. This program kicks off with Barbell Back Squats, which you complete again after two days of rest and then again after three days of rest. In a Bro Split, "International Leg Day" is Wednesday; therefore, Squats would occur every Wednesday, and there would be a week of rest until they were repeated, resulting in less frequency.


The exercises in all of our programs over a week can be sufficient for muscle growth and recovery. Adequate rest between training sessions is crucial for the muscles to repair and grow. The upper/lower program, which only trains some muscles once per week, has been carefully designed to provide an optimal workload that stimulates muscle growth effectively. Recognising that muscle growth doesn't happen solely in the weight room is important. The actual muscle-building process occurs during the recovery phase. This means that while resting and allowing your body to recuperate, your muscles are repairing and growing stronger. Adding an extra training day may not necessarily lead to increased gains. Overtraining or insufficient recovery can hinder progress and increase the risk of injury. These programs are designed to balance training and recovery, ensuring you get the necessary stimulus while allowing adequate time for muscle repair. In following these programs, we assume you have experience training in the gym, but here is a general guideline that people can follow and see very good results:

Beginners 2-3 days per week

Intermediate 4-5 days per week

Advanced 5-6 days per week

Following a program is a great way to avoid overtraining. Your exercised muscles need time to recover and rebuild after each workout. Good programs allow for this! We aren't condoning you smashing legs every day; working them too hard or too frequently can slow down your progress and increase your risk of injury. Programs should also incorporate phases and other progressive overloading techniques to vary the intensity and volume of your workouts. Listening to your body and giving yourself enough time to recover between workouts is essential. Suppose you're experiencing excessive fatigue, soreness, or other signs of overtraining. In that case, optimising recovery may be a good idea. Active recovery or other exercises can help your muscles recover and keep you progressing.

Here are signs of your body telling you that you are under-recovered:

  • Persistent Fatigue: Feeling constantly tired and not recovering between workouts.

  • Decreased Performance: Noticing a decline in strength, endurance, or overall performance.

  • Injury: Experiencing frequent injuries or chronic aches and pains.

  • Mood Changes: Feeling irritable, anxious, or depressed can be a sign of overtraining.

  • Sleep Disturbances: Having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep.


In these programs, you should stick to the prescribed training plan to understand why it was planned that way. The program uses a wave loading technique to climb the volume and control your increases. However, a program that has not been individually designed specifically may have flaws. If you have a substantial training age or know that you weren't at your best the previous week and that the recommended weights are too low in RPE for you, then by all means, give it a go, but that would not be our recommendation.


The target of these programs is to cover the main compound movements and all-over hypertrophy; therefore, we wouldn't suggest adding to it. However, the warm-up and cool-down phases are flexible areas that must be adapted to each person's requirements. You could finish each session and do some steady-state cardio before you

stretch. That is fine. If you are adding to this program, the first step is to determine your goals and what type of training would best suit you. For example, these resistance training programs focus on compound exercises like squats and pull-ups to increase muscle mass and strength. If you want to improve your cardiovascular fitness, a program that includes aerobic exercise such as running or cycling may be incorporated appropriately; however, it could completely change the hypertrophic response these programs are designed to induce. We always recommend you go through a program as provided first to see what results you gain before making any additions. More isn't always better!


Generally speaking, if you are new to strength training or have yet to be consistent with your workouts, you can expect significant gains in strength and muscle mass during the first few weeks of a well-designed program. This is because your body will respond quickly to the new stimulus of resistance training, increasing muscle size and strength. However, if you have consistently trained for longer, gains may be more modest but achievable. In this case, the structure of this program should aid in effectively overloading your workouts to continue seeing progress. It's difficult to give a precise number for specific gains as everyone's body responds differently to training. However, research has shown that with a well-designed program and proper nutrition, you can gain up to 1 kg of muscle mass per month, depending on your starting point and other factors.

Similarly, strength gains can depend on your exercise technique, workout intensity and recovery outside the gym. Many people have followed this program before you, with the majority reporting improvements in technique, muscle mass, strength and physical aesthetics. Consistency and dedication to your training program are the most critical factors in achieving strength and muscle gains. By following these well-designed programs, fueling your body with proper nutrition, and allowing for adequate recovery time, you can expect significant improvements in strength and muscle mass throughout the program.


Great question! We program for people worldwide who train in many different gyms with layouts and machines that are very different from ours. This can be troublesome when we have superset two exercises where the devices are on opposite ends of your gym or if your gym is busy and that equipment is taken. You will even notice that the "Machine Hamstring Curls" demonstration video shows us completing the exercise using a cable machine. This is because we do not have that machine in our functional fitness facility, but that doesn't mean we cannot do them. In the above example, if we have given instructions to use your gym's Leg Hamstring Curl Machine, then do that! If you can not do the programmed exercise because of its difficulty or availability, look at the app's exercise description for "alternative exercises" to ensure you maximise the stimulus for the target muscle group.

Points Of Safety

Following an online training program can be a convenient and effective way to stay fit and reach your fitness goals. However, there is a lot of misleading information and "bad" products. It is essential to keep these safety points in mind when shopping for & following

an online training program:

  1. Check the trainer's or program's credentials: Look for certifications or qualifications demonstrating the trainer's knowledge and experience in fitness and exercise science. You should also check for customer reviews and feedback to ensure the program is reputable.

  2. Start slow and progress gradually: Don't jump into a program that is too advanced for your fitness level. Start with a program that matches your current fitness level and slowly progress over time to avoid injury.

  3. Pay attention to proper form and technique: Proper form and technique are essential for preventing injury and maximising the effectiveness of your workouts. Be sure to follow the trainer's instructions carefully! If you need clarification or help or are unsure about a particular exercise, you should seek clarification before attempting it.

  4. Listen to your body: Stop and rest if an exercise or workout feels painful or uncomfortable. Listening to your body and avoiding pushing yourself too hard is essential.

  5. Avoid overtraining: Overtraining can lead to injuries and can stall your progress. Include rest days in your program, and avoid frequently training the same muscle groups.

  6. Warm-up and cool down properly: Warm up before each workout and cool down afterwards to prevent injury and aid recovery.

  7. Modify the program to fit your needs: Feel free to modify the program to suit your individual needs and goals. For example, you may need to adjust specific exercises or the overall program if you have an injury or health condition.

  8. Consult with a healthcare professional: If you have any health concerns or medical conditions, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting a new fitness program. They can guide you on safely and effectively achieving your fitness goals.


The programs are set up on Trainheroic Software, which is free. You can download the application here if you do not already have it on your phone.

Once you have set up your account, type the 'Program Code' into the 'Enter Access Code' section, and you can freely follow that program.

Program Program Code

3-Days Per Week: Full Body Coming soon!

4-Days Per Week: Upper/Lower Split Strengthandsize4days

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